We couldn't let Toby & Steve head home without some family photos!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Toby's Magic Touch
Toby and Steve arrived in time to meet Claire and help us as my parents headed home. Toby, or Mana as she's called by Aileen and Jack, really had the magic touch getting Claire to settle in for a long nap. I just can't seem to replicate her method!
Sunapee wanted in on it, so he snoozed on her feet.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Claire, 11 Days Old
Taking inspiration from many other new parents, I'll endeavor to take a series of photos of Claire with the same object to show her growth. I can't guarantee any regularity of these, but I'll try!
The object of choice for scale is an elephant made by my crafty mom some time early in my life. She made the elephant for me and a hippopotamus for Betsy out of my dad's worn out Wranglers.
So, to start the series, here is Claire at 11 days old. She is donning her going-home-from-the-hospital outfit, which already fits better and won't fit at all soon.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
First Big Outing
The big outing of the weekend was a walk around Fort Funston with the whole crowd and Sunapee. It was a beautiful day and the big waves that allowed the Mavericks surf competition to take place were still roaring in. It was nice to get some sun, fresh air and some exercise (especially for Sunapee) and to get out of the house.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Meeting Aunt Betsy, Cousin Lauren and Uncle Evan
Betsy and Evan had a 4 day weekend for Presidents' Day, so they planned a quick visit to San Francisco. Betsy and Lauren drove north Friday and Evan flew up Saturday after baseball.
At 5 months old and 16 lbs, Lauren seems so big compared to Claire at 8 days and 5 lb 15 oz (her weight as of Tuesday 2/9). Lauren seemed to enjoy studying her cousin and Betsy kept exclaiming that holding Claire felt like holding a balloon.
Group tummy time.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Claire had lots of cuddle time with Grandma Cindy. Here she's kept warm wrapped in a blanket made in the '70s by my grandma, Winnie Taber.
Tummy Time
Claire blends in with her blanket during tummy time. Thanks to Grandma Cindy for these pink duds - the gender neutral clothing is quickly becoming a minority. Claire will be well dressed in hand-me-downs from cousins Lauren and Aileen.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
First Bath at Home
To prepare for Grandma Cindy's arrival, we had to get Claire all nice and clean. She tolerated the sponge bath pretty well.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Going Home
Having had enough of the hospital, we left a day before we had to. Claire was swimming in her going home outfit and barely registered as a blip in her carseat.
Going home outfit courtesy of Lauren, for whom it was also way too big!